Litesport Programs are curated class collections designed by our instructors to keep you on track and motivated to reach your specific workout goals. Your progress is tracked in the app for each class you complete; just select any program and get started!
Programs range from beginner to advanced, so you can start where you feel the most comfortable. Our trainers built each Program as a guide to help you achieve your fitness goals. Programs range from beginner to advanced so you can start with the one that fits your interests, preferred trainers, schedule, and experience. Programs include:
- Getting Started with Litesport
- Booty Bootcamp
- Upper Body Gains
- Discover Boxing
- Discover Strength
- Pro Strength with Christina Marks
- Move & Groove
- 6 Weeks to Fit
Once you make a selection, a trainer will appear to let you know what you can expect during your chosen program.